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David R. Becker



Saturday & Sunday, April 13 & 14, 2013

9:00 – 4:00pm

$150.00        (6 min., 12 max. students)


David Becker is a Signature Member of the Transparent Watercolor Society of America and has published two watercolor books with North Light Books: "Watercolor Composition Made Easy" and "How to Sketch with Watercolor".  His work has been featured in "International Artist" and "Watercolor Magic, as well as several of his articles.  He has been teaching watercolor since 1983 and conducts many workshops around the country.  This is a rare opportunity for artists to take his workshop close to his home in Lake County.  Website:   www.davidrbecker.com

David will be teaching students watercolor from beginning to
end using teaching methods that he has developed over the past 27 years.  David starts with teaching you how to take control of the watercolor medium, leading to creating well composed watercolor scenes.  Subject matter (photo reference) will be supplied both days in the morning and switching to students reference in the afternoon.  Lessons will include: Loosen Up Your Watercolor Technique, Controlling Your Watercolor Washes, Simplifying Subject Matter and Adding People Into Your Painting.  David's teaching method starts with group teaching in the morning and switching to one on one in the afternoon.  This workshop is designed to benefit all levels of painters.




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